4 Days | A Tale of Christmas Failure | Northwest PA Doulas

4 DAYS. 

I was sitting in my living room this morning looking at all the small areas of clutter, puke buckets, and towels scattered throughout the space of our home. Everyone seems generally healthy again after a mean stomach bug that had ripped through the house over the past few days. 

That's when it hit me. 

Holy shit. Christmas is in 4 days. 

Actual photo of what I had hoped my Christmas presents would look like under my beautifully decorated tree. 

Actual photo of what I had hoped my Christmas presents would look like under my beautifully decorated tree. 

I hadn't even thought about wrapping presents (presents that I haven't even bought yet), our house is mostly undecorated and I definitely don't know what I'm cooking for the traditional Christmas breakfast hosted at our house. Honestly, Christmas isn't my favorite holiday in the first place. (GASP). If you know me well, you'll know that my "love language" is definitely not giving or receiving gifts. I love the magic of the season and the giving nature of people as they approach the holiday, I really do. But the societal pressures, whew. It can be exhausting. 

So let's get real here.

My Christmas cards aren't going to be sent (Add me on Facebook for update pictures, family & friends!). We're probably going to make Christmas cookies from a tube. I never got that amazing Black Friday deal on the latest toy. 

But you know what? That's okay. 

It's okay because holidays shouldn't equal stress.

So this year, if the holidays are stressing you out, don't feel bad. Things don't always go as planned. Having a baby (wait, he's a year old. I think he's considered a toddler now.. weird.) and a toddler is not easy. Sometimes the little things you expect and want to do just don't happen. If you've got it together, I'm *SO* proud of you!

If you don't, know that you're not the only one.

Now, off to see if Amazon Prime items will ship to my house in time for Christmas...