Twin Parents Share How They Make It Work: Part Two | Meadville, PA Parenting | Meadville, PA Twins
Ryker & Reece on Christmas morning
So you just found out you’re pregnant with twins. Now what? Hearing the news that you are pregnant with two babies is bound to stir up a variety of emotions. Just as in any parenting experience, there will be periods of immense joy mixed with periods of intense challenge.
During this three-part blog series, local twin parents: Sarah, Laura, and Amy share their tips for surviving the fourth trimester (and beyond) with twins. From their favorite resources and baby accessories to who their village consists of, they’ll give us an idea of how their family uniquely does life with twins. How do you navigate going out in public with not one, but two babies?! Grocery shopping— how?! Does the laundry ever get done? Do you have more than 5 minutes a day to yourself?
We interviewed multiple families because we are all about options. Take the advice that makes the most sense to you, and leave the rest! Every family is different and trial and error may be your best friend in the coming months (years)!
Today we're taking a peak into Laura’s life with twins.
37 weeks pregnant- the night before going into labor
Laura exercised five days a week during her pregnancy. Beachbody on Demand workouts, the elliptical and the stability ball. You can follow her journey on facebook and Instagram.
Laura describes herself as a homeschooling, Christ following, wife and Mom of 6 boys! Native to Northwest PA - she was born in Franklin, grew up in the Townville area, and graduated from Maplewood Jr. Sr. High School. She has a bachelor’s degree in Art Education & Studio Art and has been a Certified Fitness Trainer since 2009. She loves fitness, eating healthy, thinking positive, and helping other women get on track with their health too. Of her six boys, her twins are the youngest and are just now turning 7 months.
A precious moment at the hospital, snuggling skin-to-skin
We always hear that “it takes a village.” What was the most useful thing for friends/family to help with?
We were overwhelmed by the help we got from our community, friends, and family.
I am an active part of our MOPS group at New Beginnings Church. This is a mom’s Christian support group - And I was overwhelmed by the meals, check-ins, and ladies just asking me if I needed anything. Living Waters, our home church, also provided meals for us as well. Having meals delivered to our home was such a blessing!
My mother was also a huge help right after the twins were born, she came over almost every day and helped with food prep, laundry, cleaning, diaper changing, and helping me entertain the older boys. I don’t know what I would have done without her after each time my babies have been born over the years!
Was it hard for you to ask for help? Why or why not?
Not at ALL! Why? Because I REALLY needed it and appreciated it all so much!
Ryker, Daddy (Justin), and Reece
What are your favorite things to do for self-care?
For me, self-care is a MUST... in an airplane crash, they always say to put YOUR OWN mask on first... it’s the same with being a Mom. We need to make sure we are getting our BASIC needs like eating enough healthy food, drinking lots of WATER, exercising, showering and taking time for other physical care. Sleep is not really always an option as a twin parent, but the rest of these things should not be things that a Mom fails to do because she is so focused on taking care of everyone else. I truly believe that taking time for self-care makes me a better wife and mom and more able to wear my many hats and do my many jobs the very best I can.
Share your favorite postpartum recovery tip.
Don’t be afraid to let the nurses watch the babies a little so that you can REST in the hospital. I completely roomed in with my first pregnancies - and was a little scared to let them go to the nursery at all - but with the twins, I decided to allow the nurses to help so that I could rest. At the New Life Unit in Meadville, I felt very comfortable with the nurses there and it allowed me to get some MUCH NEEDED restorative sleep at the hospital.
Laura delivered her twins vaginally (the policy is to do this in the OR) and tandem nursed them right away thanks to some great docs and nurses who helped them get situated.
Favorite twin resources (websites, stores, social media groups, etc.)?
👉🏻Great Book - “What to Do When You’re Having Two”
👉🏻Babycenter app to connect with other twin Moms.
👉🏻 Jennifer Mancuso is an awesome twin Mom from Akron that I follow on Instagram
Share your favorite twin accessories.
Baby swings, bouncers, and double stroller are all must have items.
Twin sleep tips… what worked for you?
Routine is KEY! Be as consistent with bedtime and wake up time as humanly possible.
Also, (I read this tip on a blog and it changed my whole perspective): “Stop obsessing about being tired... there’s only one goal right now: care for your baby. You’re not going to get a full night’s sleep, so you can either be tired and angry or just TIRED. Choosing just tired is easier.”
Feeding your twins… what worked for you?
If you desire to EBF (exclusively breastfeed) your twins - don’t listen to anyone tell you that you “might not make enough” ... just take those babies and nurse nurse nurse... you will nurse so much at the beginning that you will break a sweat or maybe even cry some ugly cries but just KEEP GOING. Soothe them with nursing - and nurse them to sleep - regardless of schedule in the early months. Don’t give up and I promise it WILL gradually get easier and easier!
Tandem nursing is their “go to” (except for middle of the night feedings).
Bathing your twins… what worked for you?
Prep is key - Have everything laid out ahead of time! Bathe one twin at a time when they are infants.
Going out in public with twins… what worked for you?
My biggest tip is to remember that everything will SEEM a lot harder than it really will be. The first couple times going out will be a little bit of a learning curve and a challenge, but after you get the hang of it, it will be your new normal and everyone ELSE will see you as a SUPERMOM, even if you feel like a hot mess.
How has your life changed in a positive way since having twins?
The twins have brought so much joy to our family’s life. Getting to watch my older sons bond with them is such a blessing! Seven months in and every day I still pinch myself because it all seems so surreal.
R&R – Twins & best buds for life
What was the most challenging part about having newborn twins?
The SLEEP deprivation (not gonna lie).
Most surprising part about being a twin parent?
Being honest - Every day seems like a surprise awaits us! :)
Share some words of encouragement for new twin parents.
Try to savor this sleepy, crazy, time. Snuggle with the babies, rest, and take ALL the help that is offered to you. Give yourself GRACE... there is not ONE right way to do this parenting thing!
Recommendations From The Doulas:
Twiniversity- Twin Resource and Support Network
TwinGo Baby Carrier
TwinZ Nursing Pillow
The Willow Pump: Wearable breast pump that fits inside your bra.
Local Private Chef: Lisa Heidelberg for Nutritious Meals
Local Business: Super Suppers- Healthy Grab n Go Meals- Gift Cards Available Where your friends/family can sign up to bring you dinner! Order online from local restaurants
Grocery Pickup Services at Wegmans, Giant Eagle, & Walmart
Your partner, family, friends, postpartum doula, fellow twin parents, community.
Accept help every time it is offered. Anticipate that you will need help and make a postpartum plan!
Tell your support team exactly how they can help you. Examples include: setting up a meal train, helping with chores, helping with older siblings, running errands, holding babies while you nap/shower, assisting with feeding babies, bathing babies, etc.
You can do this! Over time, you’ll find what works best for your family and gain confidence in your twin parent skills! Chrissy and Mariah have seen multiple (get it?!) twin moms absolutely master caring for their babies with a mix of time, patience, and support. You are the expert on your family and your babies.
Be gentle with yourself and take each day as it comes. While it can be tempting to try to plan for everything, focus on the present while being aware of things that might come up in the future. There is enough to take care of everyday without stressing when they are three days old about what preschool they will attend.