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Twin Parents Share How They Make It Work: Part One | Erie, PA Parenting | Erie, PA Twins

Gage and Matthew, twins born in Erie, PA

So you just found out you’re pregnant with twins. Now what? Hearing the news that you are pregnant with two babies is bound to stir up a variety of emotions. Just as in any parenting experience, there will be periods of immense joy mixed with periods of intense challenge.

During this three-part blog series, local twin parents: Sarah, Laura, and Amy share their tips for surviving the fourth trimester (and beyond) with twins. From their favorite resources and baby accessories to who their village consists of, they’ll give us an idea of how their family uniquely does life with twins. How do you navigate going out in public with not one, but two babies?! Grocery shopping— how?! Does the laundry ever get done? Do you have more than 5 minutes a day to yourself?

We interviewed multiple families because we are all about options. Take the advice that makes the most sense to you, and leave the rest! Every family is different and trial and error may be your best friend in the coming months (years)!

Today we're taking a peek into Sarah’s life with twins.

Sarah is a 36-year-old mother of three boys: a kindergartner named Austin (6 years old) and identical twins, Gage and Matthew (6 months). She also works full time and owns her own business working as a Chiropractor in the Erie Area.

Sarah and Matthew enjoying some skin-to-skin bonding time in the NICU.

We always hear that “it takes a village.” What was the most useful thing for friends/family to help with? 

I think this is true to some extent. While daunting, I am more than capable of taking care of my three children 24/7 without anyone else’s help. However, I do have a demanding full-time job that I took my twins to for several months. I would not have been able to do this if it weren't for my amazing staff taking turns taking care of them while I was busy.

Was it hard for you to ask for help? Why or why not? 

Yes. Because I always feel I can do everything by myself.  And for the most part I can but it makes it easier and more enjoyable when I accept the help I’m offered or seek it out when needed.

A sweet moment with big brother, Austin.

What are your favorite things to do for self-care? 

Massages, day spas, chiropractic adjustments, books on tape (I loved Girl Wash Your Face), making my life easier by telling people no, asking for help, taking time to myself.

Share your favorite postpartum recovery tip. 

Every pregnancy's recovery is unique- don't compare yours to others.  My first child I was miserable while pregnant but had a relatively easy delivery and recovery.  Honestly, I felt like I could have gotten up instantly after giving birth and could do anything.  My twins were the exact opposite.  I was in the hospital for nine days due to complications and had an extended period of recovery.

Favorite twin resources (websites, stores, social media groups, etc.)?

Other twin mommies and trial and error. Some tips sound amazing but they may not work for you or your twin.  Modify and adapt as needed.

Share your favorite twin accessories. 

Definitely rock n plays and the high chairs you attach to chairs (I use these as high chairs to eat as well as a version of other activity centers or sit me up toys.  It holds them up so well which helps develop neck control and rounding out the back of their heads).

Twin sleep tips… what worked for you?

I have found it easier (with both the twins and my singleton) to have them sleep in a different room than me.  I get better sleep because infants make a lot of noise when they are sleeping, and they get better sleep because they can't sense me. 

Feeding your twins… what worked for you?

I planned on feeding my twins at the same time so I wouldn't constantly be feeding them but my twins have two very different personalities and food is just way more important to Baby A than it is to Baby B so we feed them on demand separately and it works best for us.

Bathing your twins… what worked for you?

I hate bath time for the twins.  I have found it's easiest if they just shower with my husband.  He takes one twin, washes them in the shower, then I take that one and get him dressed while my husband showers the second one. 

Going out in public with twins… what worked for you?

I try to minimize going out with twins because everyone stares and asks questions and because I don't want them to get ill (thank goodness for grocery pick up and amazon).  But, when I do take them out I find wearing them works best.

How has your life changed in a positive way since having twins? 

I have two beautiful babies and I only had to be pregnant once!

What was the most challenging part about having newborn twins? 

Getting out of the house in the morning.  Getting the twins, my kindergartner, and myself ready for work and out the door with everything we need takes numerous trips to the car.

Most surprising part about being a twin parent? 

It's not nearly as difficult as I expected.  I had to learn my own little tricks for certain things but so far it hasn't been too bad.

Share some words of encouragement for new twin parents. 

Do what works for you.  Everyone has advice, listen to it and use it, modify it, or don't use it. Say thank you and move on. Parenting is one of the most judgmental things you will ever do.

Recommendations From The Doulas:

Twiniversity- Twin Resource and Support Network

TwinGo Baby Carrier

TwinZ Nursing Pillow

The Willow Pump: Wearable breast pump that fits inside your bra.

Local Private Chef: Lisa Heidelberg for Nutritious Meals

Local Business: Super Suppers- Healthy Grab n Go Meals- Gift Cards Available Where your friends/family can sign up to bring you dinner! Order online from local restaurants

Grocery Pickup Services at Wegmans, Giant Eagle, & Walmart


Your partner, family, friends, postpartum doula, fellow twin parents, community.

Accept help every time it is offered. Anticipate that you will need help and make a postpartum plan!

Tell your support team exactly how they can help you. Examples include: setting up a meal train, helping with chores, helping with older siblings, running errands, holding babies while you nap/shower, assisting with feeding babies, bathing babies, etc.

You can do this! Over time, you’ll find what works best for your family and gain confidence in your twin parent skills! Chrissy and Mariah have seen multiple (get it?!) twin moms absolutely master caring for their babies with a mix of time, patience, and support. You are the expert on your family and your babies.

Be gentle with yourself and take each day as it comes.  While it can be tempting to try to plan for everything, focus on the present while being aware of things that might come up in the future. There is enough to take care of everyday without stressing when they are three days old about what preschool they will attend.

Check out Part Two for Laura’s Tips!

Check out Part Three for Amy’s Tips!