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National Bath Safety Month: Bath Time Tips | Northwest PA Doulas | Newborn Care | Postpartum Doulas |

How To Bathe Your Baby Safely

Did you know, January is National Bath Safety Month? It only takes a moment for a carefree bath full of bubbles and giggles to turn into something dangerous. It's chilling to think about, but a small child can drown in less than an inch of water. Here are some tips to make sure your little one is kept safe during bath time.

Always test the temperature.
It's best to test the temperature of the water with your wrist or elbow. If you're using a bath thermometer, the temperature should not exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Stay with baby.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children ages 4 and under always have a caregiver present when they are near water. As a precaution, always keep one hand on your baby.

Don't use too much water.
Babies only need an inch or two of water to get clean. For children who can sit up unassisted, never fill the bath higher than their waist.

Prevent slips and falls.
Babies and children tend to be uncoordinated and can lose their balance easily. Use a skid proof mat in the tub, a bath mat for safely exiting the tub, and a spout cover in case your child accidentally bumps their head on the faucet.

Feeling a little anxious about bathing baby? Check out our blog post on baby's first bath for a step-by-step guide.

Now that you know how to bathe your child safely, let's discuss how to use bath time as a bonding tool!

For parents and caregivers alike, it is important to bond with your child. Bathing the baby can be the perfect time for some one-on-one bonding. As you clean your baby, gaze into her eyes, speak softly, or sing a song. All the experiences and daily routines you share with your baby help to develop trust and connection.